on the Night of 10 January 01.44 in the fire and rescue service of the city Vladivostok reported a fire in an apartment house, located on the island of Russian in the street the Foot. As reports “News: Primorye” with reference to press service of GU of EMERCOM of Russia for the Primorye territory, immediately (at 01.53) at the scene arrived the first calculations and firefighters began to extinguish.
due To the strong smoke it was decided to use a link of gas and smoke protective service. During investigation it was established that the burned furniture and appliances in one of the apartments of the house. Cut off from the smoke and flames of apartments firefighters rescued 15 people. Unfortunately, one male was found at the scene of the fire without any signs of life, and handed over to doctors ambulance.
02.08 In the fire was localized, and at 02.32 — is completely eliminated. The total area of fire was 8 sq. m. In the fighting were involved 7 personnel and 2 units of equipment.
Text: GTRK “Vladivostok”