Friday: The Corona Expert Committee calls for “real-time” data so that politicians can “react appropriately to the epidemiological dynamics”.
Saturday: The RKI refuses to read in the delivered data – so little is coming from the federal states anyway, it is said to be the reason.
Sunday: 2365 cases are reported to the RKI. 2191 of them come from Hamburg alone. As a week earlier, incidence leader Schleswig-Holstein also provides data (174 cases), which are again obviously incomplete. The other 14 federal states refuse to work completely.
Specifically, the report states:
“In order to be able to react appropriately to the epidemiological dynamics, in addition to the provision of anonymized health data in real time at the individual case level, an improvement in the data situation by additionally recording specific locations and contexts with a high contact rate and incidence, data on occupation, living conditions and socio-economic context would be expedient .”
We are a long way from that.
It is therefore not only difficult if not impossible to check the effectiveness of containment measures.
It will be difficult just to capture the dynamics of the infection process – as warned.
Towards the end of the week, there were indications of a weakening of the momentum, visible, for example, in the reduced increase in the 7-day average of new cases or in the comparison of the 7-day average with the previous week.
It will not be clear until the middle of the week at the earliest whether this diagnosis will be confirmed due to the late registrations that are due.
In the course of the weekend reporting strikes, the incidence fell from 665 to 651.
Compared to the previous week, there is an increase of 59 points.
In 14 of the 16 federal states, the incidence is higher today than at the beginning of last week.
The highest increase was recorded in Schleswig-Holstein, where the incidence was already highest, with a plus of 166 points.
In contrast, NRW shows a slight decline of six points. Here, however, the early start of the holidays may have an impact.
Otherwise, only Bremen is in the red – the decline here is due to the fact that the Hanseatic city provided case number data on the Sunday before last, but not on Sunday yesterday.
The number of cases in the vulnerable age group 60 plus rose to a ten-week high in the past week.
With 112,197 cases, the number of reported infections over 60 was higher than it had been since Holy Week in mid-April.
559 corona deaths were reported to the RKI in the past week.
That’s exactly one more than the week before.
Every day we hear the new Corona case numbers. But what do they mean, where are we in the pandemic and what is the trend? Olaf Gersemann explains and evaluates the current figures briefly and concisely – every morning anew.
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