In Mexico, 12-year-old boy opened fire in the College of Cervantes, which is located in Torreon. According to preliminary data, injuring six people, two are in serious condition. Also known about the death of the teacher.

the boy with him had two pistols, said the delegate of the General Prosecutor of Maurilio Ochoa. Before the shooting, the teenager asked to leave the room to change. After a while the teacher went to look for the boy, and when he discovered it, the student shot the teacher.

the state’s Governor Miguel angel Riquelme said during a press conference, that the child could affect the game Natural Selection (“Natural selection”). It’s a multiplayer survival shooter. The Governor noted that the boy at the time of the incident was wearing a t-shirt with the game logo, reports Milenio.

the Teenager, started a fire, killed himself. The authorities clarify the circumstances of the incident. To do this, they learn personal belongings and the student.