on 27 may, the Russian Ministry of health approved the new guidelines for management of statistics of mortality associated with COVID-19. The need to develop a new document identified recent recommendations of the world health organization. On them in the statistics of lethality includes not only cases where СOVID-19 was the main cause of death, but also cases where a virus with a high probability exacerbated other underlying disease.

it is Important that in Russia, medical statistics in the course of the epidemic can lead precisely because the effects of coronavirus on human body is better understood than in other countries. The result is simple: we have post-mortem examinations of tissue are conducted in one hundred percent of deaths with a diagnosis of COVID 19, or with symptoms of coronavirus. This allows it to better understand the disease, and therefore a more accurate approach to its treatment. Rigorous research work is framed in the world’s first medical Atlas of the severe changes in the lungs of the dead from the insidious virus.

Coronavirus patients are becoming less so, doctors can return to their usual work. Only 4 days at the Botkin hospital was held 179 planned operations. But to operate as before anymore. Surgeons — in protective shields and glasses. 70% of abdominal surgery in the hospital Botkin — laparoscopic — through small incisions. So the patient recover faster and be discharged the next day. Less chance of catching a hospital infection.

“first and foremost, the priority is safety to the outcome of the operation was favourable not only from the surgical point of view, but also with epidemiology,” said Victor Akomski, head of the surgical Department No. 17 of the clinical hospital named after S. P. Botkin (Moscow).

Now the largest hospital in Moscow Botkin — seeks to return to the old, dokoroavirutnan, indicators: 800-900 scheduled operations a week.

– What is the reaction of doctors that all returns?

Surgeons missed scheduled operations, because it is our favorite thing, our beloved profession, — said the Deputy main physician of the Botkin hospital Vladimir bidyn.

All who were doing elective surgery during the epidemic at the Botkin hospital, had not picked up the coronavirus?

Those patients who we have operated as planned and was discharged with recovery.

Doctors even in clean areas ready for emergencies. The struggle for each patient goes to the last. And this is the main reason why in Russia such low mortality.

“In my opinion, we very quickly responded to the challenge of a new coronavirus infection and honorably stood. We analyze all the things that give our colleagues overseas, we analyze this experience, and as soon as there is a new version of methodical associations, she immediately implemented in our clinical life, as soon as the patients are supplied with drugs,” he assured Drapkina, corresponding member of RAS, Professor, Director of the SMRC TPM of the Ministry of health.

a Japanese journalist, Ms. Tokuyama know this from personal experience. Ill in Moscow, was in the hospital, where she saved a life. About it I wrote an article for the Japanese edition JB-Press. “In Russia, despite the fact that I am a stranger here, I was immediately admitted to the hospital with the first symptoms, without waiting for test results. And I was lucky that I immediately got the appropriate treatment,” — said the journalist.

In an interview to “Vesti week,” MS Tokuyama said about their experiences: “Japan is knowingly not doing a lot of tests. And in Russia — on the contrary. And here increase the number of tests. Even the test result did not come, and still have begin treatbe patient.”

a Japanese journalist does not believe in the myth of the low mortality figures. “At the hospital where I was laying, it was very loose. Everyone has a phone, completely hide some information, especially that which concerns the death of a person, it’s just impossible,” she said.

Given the death rate in Russia as transparent as possible. The coronavirus — total control. In hundred percent cases a pathoanatomical study. It is necessary for the doctors to adjust the treatment tactics. So, for example, and it became clear that patients with this infection need to prescribe medications that will thin the blood.

“Such features that after the first autopsies were clear. Seriously affects the vascular system, occur thrombosis, thromboembolism, acute renal failure. This has allowed our clinicians to implement new protocols for treatment, clarify the prognosis of patients, to understand the future Outlook of the disease and thus save lives,” said Oleg Zairatyants, a freelance specialist in pathological anatomy, head of Department of pathological anatomy MSMSU named after A. I. Evdokimov.

by the Way, postmortem studies of each of the deceased with suspected coronavirus is made only in Russia. And according to the criteria even more strict than those prescribed by the world health organization. Is a clear accounting of three categories: the virus was the cause of death, the virus has exacerbated a chronic disease or was in the body, but the death occurred for another reason.

“Today many countries are generally lumped together the statistics on mortality. There is excess mortality, very well, let us all this sleeping on the coronavirus, piled all in a heap. But anyone is better, it will not. In fact, the picture is much more complex, it consists of the fact that man has a test for the coronavirus positive, actually died from the coronavirus. And eatingü non-obvious thing, which is also decomposed into separate areas. For example, a number of illnesses provoked by a coronavirus. That is, he was not the main reason, he simply provoked the acceleration of cancer, stroke, heart attack and so on. We have grouped these diseases, these cases, which clearly shows that the coronavirus tried and he was the cause. Another is when we see that the person had tested positive for coronavirus, but he died not exactly from this. Well, the man was hit by a car, and he test for coronavirus was positive, you can’t write that he was from the coronavirus has died,” — said the mayor of Moscow Sergey Sobyanin.

Here are the numbers for April on the basis of the Moscow health Department. 636 people have died from coronavirus infection. This is confirmed by laboratory researches. Another 169 people had tested negative for the coronavirus, but on the basis of pathoanatomical studies and clinical signs of experts concluded that, most likely, the cause of death was exactly COVID. Thus, the coronavirus related everything, even controversial cases. Still 756 people had tested positive for the coronavirus, but died from other causes. Moreover, it is indicated that 360 from is the largest group coronavirus could affect the development of the underlying disease and its lethal complications.}

American University’s Hopkins publishes its charts associated with counting the dead in all countries of the world: a dozen countries where most are now dead from coronavirus in particular. First schedule — the death toll in recalculation on 100 thousand population among healthy and identified coronavirus. In Belgium, for example, now this figure 82,56, Spain — 58.5 per hundredths of the top ten there.

And the second graph is composed of American scientists, shows the mortality from COVID. Again, terrible numbers in BelgiumAI is 16.2%. In The UK — 14%. .IN THE UNITED STATES IS 5.9%. Russia again in this mournful list is not found.

And the success that has managed to work in advance of the virus. Promptly built a new inpatient hospital. Converted existing, built temporary hospitals. Moreover, they are equipped not worse than the inpatient infectious disease hospitals: tertiary beds, ventilators, the system of summing up of oxygen and special ventilation. The total number of Russia — 177 thousand beds under patients with coronavirus.

“Seeing the powerful dynamics of the coronavirus in other countries, seeing what the lack of medical system hospital beds were there concluded. We err, made a strong backlog, the stock of health centers to combat coronavirus. The worst scenario has passed. We were actually somewhere here on the verge. But past that thanks to the joint efforts of the President, government, Moscow government, medical workers of all levels and all directions, Muscovites, who have a responsible attitude to this. Was over it all, this terrible rush. But what to do next? I spoke with the President, discussed this issue. It is clear that today it is not necessary. But today we have more than 20 thousand beds for inpatient, derived from normal routine work that used to work for the whole population on all types of patients. Not a normal situation. It may not last long. Therefore, we decided to gradually withdraw the hospital to hospital specialization struggle under COVID normal routine assistance”, — said Sergey Sobyanin.

much work has already initiated in specialized centers, where during the peak did everything not to lose their patients. For example, patients with multiple sclerosis. It is an autoimmune disease that affects mainly young people. If not treated, denied sight, hands and feet. From the ongoing monitoring and continuously receive LekARST directly affects how much and how to live sick.

Treatment of multiple sclerosis can be very expensive — 500 rubles per one dropper. But because of this patients have the opportunity to lead a normal life, to work, to have children and not to sit in a wheelchair. In order not to interrupt the treatment in a Moscow hospital name Veresaeva — were able to combine the functions of all of the Metropolitan centers for multiple sclerosis – it is about 10 thousand patients.

“We had a lot of experience, saw that we actually three times increased capacity of the day hospital and the capacity in terms of treated patients, thus almost completely provided them with treatment,” — said the chief doctor of the hospital named Veresaeva Igor Parfenov.

In the Krasnoyarsk Federal center of cardiovascular surgery elective surgery yet — only emergency. From Tuva, Norilsk’re bringing in kids who can’t wait. Has a three-month Yegor was acute heart failure. Doctors and Egor coped with it. Children’s ward is completely isolated. Patient flow from the other wing, where the reception COVID infection, do not intersect.

In Ossetia, those who are sick don’t coronavirus infection, from Vladikavkaz and other areas bring in Alagir the hospital. Almost all beds are occupied.

In Ekaterinburg, 40-th clinical hospital, at the same time in different buildings are in treatment of patients with infection and without.

to Increase the volume of planned care start in the Center of therapeutic and preventive medicine. Here are cardiac arrhythmias. Usually in hospitals — 140 patients, now — almost half — isolation mode. In the wards designed for four, accommodate a maximum of two. Russian Bulgarian of Nenko Vdovin, the situation was an emergency, but now is the question just about planned operations.

“I had heart attack. I should note that the doctors reacted quickly,” said Nanka.

Thanks to the doctors already 1 Jun 12 Russian regions will be able to breathe quieter and partially cancel the restriction on the coronavirus.

Text: “News of the week”